How can I gift someone for free?
Offer to help with meal preparation or babysitting.
Re-gift Something Special: Give away a sentimental item or family heirloom. Identify someone on social media with a social media shoutout.
Free Consultation: Share your knowledge or advice in your area.

Why use a gift box?
Gift boxes are now a common option for a variety of events.
For a birthday, wedding, or simply to express gratitude
Can I gift money to anyone?
For instance, according to IRS regulations on family gifts in 2024, you are exempt from reporting gifts to the IRS if you give up to $18,000 to a single individual during the year.
This is known as the gift tax exclusion, and the amount can vary each year.

How do I request a cash gift?
It’s sufficient to just say that you would prefer monetary gifts.
Don’t cause guests to feel awkward or condemned for presenting a tangible gift.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that some guests might still want to give a traditional gift, even if you would prefer cash presents.